
We Are Vesperia Global Merdeka!


We are IT consulting corporation specializing in field of professional Web developers, Android and IOS apps. We also focus on the development of infrastructure and payment technology.

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Our Vision

Empowering Enterprises Through Innovations

Our Mission

Awake. Build. Impact.

  • To awake and enlighten people about the importance of technology
  • To build the best technology based on needs
  • To impact the world through technology innovations

At a Glance

Enterprise Business

Main Customers: Government, BUMN, and Public Companies

Key Initiatives:

  • Core Technology System Creation
  • Expansion of Cyber-Security
  • Government and Telco Partnership


System Platform Business

Main Customers: Distributors, F&B, and Factories

Key Initiatives:

  • Strengthening Key business areas
  • Acceleration of Establishing ERP system

Our Services

[nectar_btn size=”medium” button_style=”see-through” button_color_2=”extra-color-gradient-1″ icon_family=”default_arrow” url=”https://vesperia.id/services-product/” text=”Learn More” margin_top=”15″]
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IT Consultant

Provide the Fundamental of correctness, security, and easy-to-use of IT Implementation.[/fancy_box]

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Mobile Application Development

Develop any application for mobile phone in all platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Symbian OS).[/fancy_box]

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Web Development

Develop any internet-application web based for various websites. Providing services to create any functionality for middleware.[/fancy_box]

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IT Infrastructure

Provide correct way for the infrastructure of various system.[/fancy_box]